This program is a great way to motivate yourself to keep up with your training. It’s simple. Just enter the number of miles you want to challenge yourself to run this year, keep a log, and at the end of each month, post your totals on the Challenge of the Miles online log page. Prizes will be awarded at the Annual Dinner in January. To participate, click “Log My Miles” or “Sign Me Up” on the Challenge of the Miles page and sign in with your Macon Tracks membership user name and password. If you forgot your password, go to www.macontracks.org/amember and have it e-mailed to you. After signing in, you can add yourself and family members to the Challenge by setting a goal. All family members on a Macon Tracks family membership will need to use the same user name and password. If you need to change your mileage goal or monthly miles after entering them, or if you have trouble signing in, e-mail Don at macontracks@macontracks.org.
Have fun and good luck meeting your goal!